I was talking to my daughter last week and she told me about her recent experience, when she needed to purchase a pair of shoes but had no time to go city shopping. Hopping online she found a supplier that made buying shoes so simple she actually bought 3 pairs (initially she only wanted one pair). They offered a 365 day unconditional return policy, postage paid both ways, quality guaranteed and most of all their process was simple and very trustworthy. As a result my daughter’s order was trebled in value. And what are the chances she’ll make repeat purchases, because of her first great online buying experience with that company?
Compare this shopping experience with some online stores you have visited recently and the barriers you experienced when placing the order. How many hoops did you have to jump through? Were these hoops due to little problems the supplier never got around to solving? Does your website place barriers in front of YOUR customers and persuade them to shop with your competitors?
For example the Spam filter CAPTCHA puts a barrier in front of your customer because YOU have a Spam problem. A simple coded alternative which operates invisibly eliminates the need for your client spending 10 minutes getting past those stupid, sometimes illegible, numbers and letters before they can move on and pay you some money.
Your willingness to place the user’s needs before your own affects all aspects of your business by making the process as simple as it can possibly be. (Open the Video Link at the bottom of this Article as a humorous example of online shopping frustrations).
So, Can you Adapt?
Over the past 5 to 10 years the world has changed and your clients buying habits have also dramatically changed. What was “put up with” a couple of years ago is now not tolerated and customers want fast, efficient, minimal fuss transactions. Old style “compulsory field” information is tedious to complete. Make it simple for your client to deal online with you and they will continue to come back. Make it difficult and you may well see that conversion rate and the repeat business ratios continue to decline.
Discover The Biggest Thing That’s Holding Your Website Back
Every website has hurdles and a fresh pair of expert eyes will often see what you can’t.
Contact us before the end of July and we’ll give you a quick, free review of your website and we’ll tell you what we think is the single biggest improvement you could make to your website.
(This will be done personally by our team of experts, not an automated script.)
A Quote from Richard Branson:
“Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change. A company that stands still will soon be forgotten”
And Now Time for a bit of humour…
Watch Michael McIntyre’s short video clip about online bookings. There are a couple of verbal profanities within this video clip so please don’t open if these may offend, but I’m sure we can all relate to Michael’s frustrations in this clip. Many of the issues he raises can be avoided and if your eCommerce shopping cart or website matches Michael’s experience then maybe it’s time for a small review and fix.
Contact us now to discuss how to make your website and page content work better for your business.
Happy Marketing
The Anyware Team