Sales Tip: What is your Sales Purpose?

In our February Sales Tip, we refocused on Asking Better Questions during your Sales process, the power of your prospects telling you what challenges they face in their business and the impact if they continue without any solution.

However before you even start the “Questions process” you need to decide a very clear purpose for your sales contact.

What do you want to achieve from this contact with the Prospect or Client?

What is your Sales Purpose for every client contact you have?

Your purpose isn’t to “Close the Sale”, that’s your end result after you do all the other sales stuff.  Your purpose should always be the same, no matter whether you are actively pitching a sales presentation or just making a customer liaison call.

Your selling purpose is to assist clients to feel good about what they buy and to feel good about themselves for making that buying decision.
It’s all about Caring for your Clients.

A Sales process that has this strong Purpose will provide your clients with the trust and service they like and then guess what will happen?  They’ll come back for repeat business and they will happily give you referrals from their friends and colleagues.

LightbulbSo, can you see the benefits of incorporating this strong Sales Purpose into your process?  Believe me, it also  reduces a whole lot of stress and anxiety  when times are a little bit tough, because you know your clients like you and that normally means steady repeat business.

At Anyware our Core Purpose is:  To help our clients grow their businesses by using the Internet effectively.
We find the simplest and most effective solutions for our clients and we are relentless in the pursuit of the perfect customer experience.

We would love to help you promote your Core Purpose on your web site for the whole world to see.  Also you can talk to us now for a no obligation Web Site Health Check

Until next month when we’ll discuss your Game Plan prior to the Sale, focus on that sales purpose and watch your conversions increase.

MikeAnyware Caped Crusader
Anyware’s Caped Crusader of Sales

Contact Us
phone (04) 939 1708


  1. Hi Phil,

    very impressed with these sales tips, and especially like your caped sales crusader.
    Well done, and keep up the good work. 🙂

    kind regards Andrew TD

    1. Thanks Andrew. Will certainly keep them coming.
      And let us know if you have a sales or marketing question you want answered.

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