Good Things on Wall St

Wall St, New York has had a  bit of a bad rap since the 2008 financial meltdown. Wall St on Lambton Quay, on the other hand, has a sound reputation, and a brand new website. Check out that funky boardroom table! Wall St on Lambton Quay offers serviced and virtual offices: Thinking about a new website? Take a look at our portfolio of affordable web designs

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Building Trust in the Sale Process

I’ve touched on this subject before and I’m revisiting it again because it’s so important for your sales to be successful. In a nutshell new prospects and existing clients will not buy from you unless there is complete TRUST between you and your client and between the client and your Company. Sounds simple doesn’t it? However, how many times have you lost a client and you scratch your head and wonder why. Then you get a fluffy excuse if you actually dare ask.  Chances are the trust factor either didn’t exist or was diluted enough for the client to go

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